
Absolutely Dry Basement Waterproofing has financing options available from two companies for your foundation or waterproofing projects. Illinois and Iowa customers can use Greensky, while the second option, Mariner Finance, is only available to Illinois residents.

The two methods of financing made available to you by Absolutely Dry are listed below. You can click on their name to go directly to their website to view your options and contact them directly, or simply give them a call at the phone number listed.

Both companies offer a 12 months same as cash option. Additional information on each company is available using the “Download Informational Flyer” links below.

Available to clients residing in Illinois or Iowa
Phone: 866-936-0602
When calling, mention plan number and dealer number number found in informational flyer, as well as dollar amount.
Download Informational Flyer

Mariner Finance, LLC
Only available to clients residing in Illinois
Use the QR code in the informational flyer to access credit application.
Download Informational Flyer

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